Index Of Cybersecurity

The Index of Cybersecurity (ICS) serves as a gauge of the sentiment expressed by a group of cybersecurity experts who are queried on a monthly basis by researchers at TAG and the NYU Center for Cybersecurity (CCS)

ICS Value 7,910.85

The Index of Cybersecurity

Compounded Rate of Change Month Over Month

The Index of Cybersecurity

The Index is a sentiment-based measure of the risk to the corporate, industrial, and governmental information infrastructure from a spectrum of cybersecurity threats. It is sentiment-based in recognition of the rapid change in cybersecurity threats and postures, the state of cybersecurity metrics as a practical art, and the degree of uncertainty in any risk-centered field. In short, the Index of Cybersecurity aggregates the views of information security industry professionals as expressed through a monthly survey. Its form is an index for reasons that will become apparent.

The ICS value, which was originated by industry icon Dan Geer, has been maintained by TAG and NYU researchers since 2011 and is calculated on the basis of the sentiment responses received from participants. Higher ICS values suggest that the experts queried are pessimistic about the prospects for cybersecurity in a broad sense. Trends to date suggest an on-going increase in the pessimism of this practitioner group.

Who Is the Cybersecurity Index For ?

The Index of Cybersecurity is for the cybersecurity professional (and others) who need an ongoing, methodologically transparent measure of the state of cybersecurity.


Assessing the level of risk as perceived by practicing security professionals

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Communicating their combined opinion to the larger community

See our rationale behind the survey


Providing a baseline against which other practitioners can compare their own views

Learn how we calculate the index

The index has been published monthly since April, 2011. The aggregate index value is updated on this public website on the last calendar day of each month. Detailed statistics and individual sub-indices are shared only with respondents in a separate report. The index is currently maintained by TAG with the help of NYU.

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