Services : Climate

TAG Climate Taxonomy

The TAG Climate Taxonomy includes major categories that correspond to state-of-the-art climate approaches. The taxonomy serves as a foundation for TAG Climate Research as a Service (RaaS), Content as a Service (CaaS), and Advisory.

  • Renewable Energy

    Harnessing energy from renewable resources like wind, sun, and water reduces reliance on fossil fuels and lowers greenhouse gas emissions.

    1.01 - Solar and Wind Power Generation

    1.02 - Fission and Fusion

    1.03 - Hydropower Innovations

    1.04 - Geothermal Energy Technologies

    1.05 - Bioenergy and Biomass Systems

  • Energy Efficiency

    Improving energy efficiency in industries, buildings, and appliances reduces the overall energy demand and associated emissions.

    2.01 - Building Energy Management

    2.02 - Smart Grid and Energy Storage

    2.03 - LED Lights/Energy-Efficient Appliances

    2.04 - Industrial Process Optimization

    2.05 - HVAC and Cooling Solutions

  • Sustainable Transportation

    Shifting to low-carbon modes of transport, such as electric vehicles and bicycles, decreases pollution and fossil fuel consumption.

    3.01 - EV Charging Infrastructure

    3.02 - Sustainable Urban Mobility Solutions

    3.03 - Fleet Electrification Services

    3.04 - Alternative Fuel Technologies

    3.05 - EV Battery Recycling and Repurposing

  • Carbon Capture and Utilization

    CCU technology captures carbon dioxide emissions from sources like power plants, preventing them from entering the atmosphere and repurposing them for industrial use.

    4.01 - Direct Air Capture including Point Source

    4.02 - Carbon Removal and Sequestration

    4.03 - Carbon Mineralization

    4.04 - Enhanced Oil Recovery (EOR)

    4.05 - Soil-Based Sequestration

  • Green Building and Infrastructure

    Designing buildings and infrastructure with sustainable materials and energy systems minimizes environmental impact and resource use over their lifespan.

    5.01 - Sustainable Architecture and Design

    5.02 - Green Building Materials and Concrete

    5.03 - Zero-Emission Construction Equipment

    5.04 - Green Roofing and Insulation

    5.05 - Sustainable Urban Planning

  • Water Management

    Effective management of water resources ensures sustainable use and helps maintain the health of ecosystems that act as carbon sinks.

    6.01 - Water Purification and Filtration

    6.02 - Smart Irrigation and Agriculture

    6.03 - Industrial Water Recycling

    6.04 - Stormwater Management

    6.05 - Desalination Technologies

  • Sustainable Agriculture

    Practices like crop rotation, organic farming, and permaculture preserve soil health and reduce agriculture's carbon footprint.

    7.01 - Precision Farming Technology

    7.02 - Organic Farming Solutions

    7.03 - Soil Health and Nutrient Management

    7.04 - Vertical Farming and Aquaponics

    7.05 - Crop Monitoring and AgTech

  • Circular Economy

    A circular economy minimizes waste through the reuse, sharing, repair, refurbishment, remanufacturing, and recycling of products and materials.

    8.01 - Recycling and Waste Management

    8.02 - Product Lifecycle Assessment

    8.03 - Sustainable Packaging Solutions

    8.04 - Reusable and Repairable Products

    8.05 - Upcycling and Repurposing Services

  • Carbon Market and Trading Platforms

    These platforms enable the trading of emission allowances and carbon credits, incentivizing reductions in greenhouse gas emissions.

    9.01 - Emission Reduction Verification Services

    9.02 - Carbon Offset Project Development

    9.03 - Carbon Credit Exchange Program

    9.04 - Blockchain-Based Carbon Trading

    9.05 - Carbon Taxation Solutions

  • Sustainable Finance and Investment

    Financial products and services that favor sustainable projects promote environmentally friendly initiatives and low-carbon technologies.

    10.01 - Green Bonds and Sustainable invest

    10.02 - ESG Analysis

    10.03 - Impact Investment Platforms

    10.04 - Carbon Disclosure and Reporting Tools

    10.05 - Sustainable Investment Advisory

  • Climate Data Analytics

    Using big data and analytics to understand climate patterns helps in making informed decisions for climate adaptation and mitigation strategies.

    11.01 - Climate Modeling and Prediction

    11.02 - Weather Forecasting Technologies

    11.03 - Environmental Monitoring Services

    11.04 - Climate Risk Assessment Service

    11.05 - Carbon Footprint Assessment Tools

  • Sustainable Food and Beverage

    Eco-conscious production and consumption of food and beverages reduce environmental impact and support local ecosystems.

    12.01 - Plant-Based and Lab Grown Meat

    12.02 - Sustainable Seafood Production

    12.03 - Food Waste Reduction Technologies

    12.04 - Eco-Friendly Food Packaging

    12.05 - Sustainable Ingredients and Oils

  • Eco-Tourism and Recreation

    Responsible travel to natural areas conserves the environment, sustains the well-being of local people, and involves interpretation and education.

    13.01 - Eco-Friendly Accommodations

    13.02 - Sustainable Travel Booking Platforms

    13.03 - Adventure Tourism/Conservation Focus

    13.04 - Wildlife Monitoring/Conservation Tours

    13.05 - Eco-Friendly Outdoor Gear

  • Green Energy Storage

    Advanced energy storage solutions enable the effective integration of intermittent renewable energy sources into the grid.

    14.01 - Advanced Battery Technologies

    14.02 - Advanced Fuel Cells

    14.03 - Energy Storage for Electric Vehicles

    14.04 - Grid-Scale Energy Storage Solutions

    14.05 - Hydrogen Energy Storage

  • Biodiversity and Conservation

    Protecting and conserving diverse biological resources ensures ecosystem resilience and carbon sequestration.

    15.01 - Wildlife Habitat Restoration

    15.02 - Conservation Tech for Monitoring

    15.03 - Anti-Poaching Solutions

    15.04 - Sustainable Forestry Practices

    15.05 - Marine Conservation Initiatives

  • Eco-Friendly Consumer Products

    Products designed with environmental impact in mind reduce waste and pollution throughout their life cycle.

    16.01 - Sustainable Fashion and Textiles

    16.02 - Eco-Friendly Personal Care Products

    16.03 - Biodegradable Packaging

    16.04 - Energy-Efficient Appliances

    16.05 - Sustainable Electronics

  • Clean Air and Pollution Control

    Reducing air pollution not only improves health but also mitigates climate change by cutting down on harmful emissions.

    17.01 - Air Quality Monitoring Services

    17.02 - Air Purification Technologies

    17.03 - Pollution Source Tracking

    17.04 - Emission Control Systems

    17.05 - Indoor Air Quality Solutions

  • Climate Education and Services

    Education on climate issues fosters greater public awareness and supports informed decision-making for sustainable practices.

    18.01 - Climate Change Education workshops

    18.02 - Sustainability Training

    18.03 - Climate Industry Advisory

    18.04 - Climate Intelligence Software

    18.05 - Climate Insurance

  • Sustainable Supply Chain

    A supply chain that prioritizes sustainability minimizes environmental impact and promotes ethical resource use.

    19.01 - Sustainable Sourcing/Procurement

    19.02 - Supply Chain Transparency

    19.03 - Ethical Labor Practices

    19.04 - Circular Supply Chain Solutions

    19.05 - Eco-Friendly Transport in Supply Chain

  • Green Technology Integration

    Incorporating green tech into various sectors accelerates the transition to a low-carbon economy and fosters sustainable growth.

    20.01 - IoT for Sustainability

    20.02 - Autonomous Electric Vehicles

    20.03 - Blockchain/Transparent Supply Chain

    20.04 - 3D Printing for Sustainable Manufacturing

    20.05 - Space Tech for Climate Monitoring
